Mary Reilly
Senior family lawyer
Experienced negotiator and litigator
Providing effective legal representation in divorce, custody/ access, child & spousal support, and property division
Experienced child protection lawyer
Providing assistance and advice for testators and estate administrators.
Over 33 years of experience
Call to book an appointment
Mary Patricia Reilly
B.A., M.A., LLB.
Mary Reilly is the managing partner of the law office, and her practice is focused on family law, estate planning, and estate administration. After being called to the bar in April 1990, Mary joined the law office that was founded by her father in 1946, as a partner.
Mary's primary area of practice is family law, and she has pursued justice for clients in family law litigation at all levels of Court in Ontario. In addition, she is highly experienced and proficient in obtaining satisfaction for clients in every type of out-of-court domestic contract negotiations including cohabitation agreements, marriage contracts, and separation agreements. In 2000, Mary was appointed to the Personal Rights Panel with the Office of the Children's Lawyer and has fought hard for children in countless child protection and custody and access disputes in Ontario.
Mary has also assumed responsibility for her mother's (Dorothy Jean Reilly) wills and estates practice, and she assists clients with the preparation of wills, powers of attorney for property, and powers of attorney for personal care. Mary also provides assistance to estate trustees with the application for probate of a will and assists with the administration of the deceased's estate.
While continuing to maintain her practice at the highest level, Mary co-founded the Family Lawyers Association in 1994 and has been an active member of the executive in the Association since this time. During the past 33 years, she has served as Co-Chair (1994-1999), Chair (1999-2003), and Treasurer of the Association since 2003.
Mary had been an active member of Board of Directors of Access for Parents and Children in Ontario (1996-2004) which was formed in response to a lack of available options for parents who require supervised access locations where access visits could not take place under Children's Aid supervision. Mary continues to support the work of this organization to the present date and provides assistance whenever called upon.
Mary is also active in her community (East York) and had been an active member of the Community Police Liaison Committee, the former 54 Division of the Toronto Police Service. Mary is a founding member of the Neighbourhood Action Committee established in 1998 in response to concerns about community safety and protection.